Article | The Value of Data Engineering: Software Pick ‘n’ Mix

Article | The Value of Data Engineering: Software Pick ‘n’ Mix 1200 800 Stéphanie Desmaris

Article | The Value of Data Engineering: Software Pick ‘n’ Mix

The Value of Engineering Data

Complex engineering information is a core asset of our energy sector. As new technologies enable the digitisation of legacy information and modernise current data collection methods, it is vital that infrastructure is integrated to connect engineering and operational data.

Ensuring data is configured for integration with internal and external systems is becoming increasingly important as regulatory guidance requires industry collaboration and modernisation. Standardising approaches to data management is a fundamental element in organisations leveraging new technologies and techniques.

We now see organisations focusing on becoming data-driven to better access complex engineering information and apply intelligent solutions to turn data into a powerful, trusted, and valuable asset. These organisations can apply new technologies to modernised ways of working and make informed decisions that support future efficiencies by having standardised, usable and clean data.

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