Case Studies

DiabAccess: diabetic patient monitoring software for CERITD

DiabAccess: diabetic patient monitoring software for CERITD 150 150 Marie-Lou CAYOT
In partnership with CERITD, Sword developed DiabAccess, a software allowing the follow-up and the management of the diabetic patients of the CERITD.

IzyCardio: medical pre-consultation application in Cardiology

IzyCardio: medical pre-consultation application in Cardiology 150 150 Marie-Lou CAYOT
Developed by Sword, IzyCardio is a medical pre-consultation application in Cardiology which allows an improvement of the care path from prevention to treatment.

e-change health in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

e-change health in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 150 150 Cynthia Vettivelu
Discover the system of exchange and sharing of health information in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes through the testimonials of professionals and patients in the region.

Vianavigo: simplifying your journeys in the Paris region

Vianavigo: simplifying your journeys in the Paris region 150 150 Marie-Lou CAYOT
Implemented by Sword, Vianavigo is a route planner application which brings together all modes of transport in the Paris region.

Unicancer Federation: ConSoRe project supports the implementation of big data in oncology

Unicancer Federation: ConSoRe project supports the implementation of big data in oncology 150 150 Marie-Lou CAYOT
ConSoRe is an evolved tool for semantic search, associated with a Clinical Data Warehouse (CDW), enhancing the use of patients’ data in oncology.

Groupama Stadium: continuous experience

Groupama Stadium: continuous experience 150 150 Marie-Lou CAYOT
As part of the strategic partnership with Microsoft and accompanied by Sword, Groupama Stadium relies more and more on the Azure platform.

MyOL: means of payment dematerialization

MyOL: means of payment dematerialization 150 150 Marie-Lou CAYOT
In order to facilitate checkout, Sword has set up a highly secure cashless payment system for Olympique Lyonnais in its new “Groupama Stadium”.

Olympique Lyonnais: interconnected applications

Olympique Lyonnais: interconnected applications 150 150 Marie-Lou CAYOT
 As part of the implementation of the Groupama Stadium, Sword supports the Olympique Lyonnais to interconnect all applications.