Article | New Product in Spain

Article | New Product in Spain 2520 2520 Stéphanie Desmaris

Article | New Product in Spain

Import control system (ics2) harmonized import logistics trader

The European Union is poised to implement the Import Control System 2 (ICS2) from March 2024, significantly impacting maritime cargo shipments. This new regulation requires carriers to submit advance cargo information for security checks before loading.

In response, the Harmonized Import Logistics Toolkit (HILT) offers a comprehensive solution for businesses to navigate these changes. HILT ensures compliance with ICS2, integrating seamlessly with existing systems while prioritizing data confidentiality. It provides early alerting mechanisms and supports various data formats and protocols, easing the information exchange with EU customs. The HILT team brings expertise in both business operations and the EU ICS2 project, making it an invaluable asset for companies adapting to these regulatory changes.

Want to know more about this solution?  Click here to read more